Final project presentation


  • Introduction to the Bike2CAV project
    Cornelia Zankl, Salzburg Research
  • Risk zones for cyclists at traffic junctions
    Hatun Atasayar, KFV – Kuratorium für Verkehrssicherheit
    Martin Loidl, Universität Salzburg
  • Smart bikes and self-localization from the cyclist’s point of view
    Louis Huard, Boréal Bikes
    Hannah Wies, Salzburg Research
  • Detection of cyclists by vehicles or infrastructure and V2X communication
    Martin Fletzer, AIT – Austrian Institute of Technology
    Alexander Paier, Kapsch TrafficCom
  • Real-time warnings of collision risks for cyclists
    Veronika Hornung-Prähauser, Salzburg Research
    Hatun Atasayar, KFV – Kuratorium für Verkehrssicherheit
  • Results of real-world tests with focus on cooperative detection of collision risks
  • Hannah Wies, Salzburg Research
  • Q&A-Session
    Moderation: Cornelia Zankl, Salzburg Research

Presentation (only in German)